Apr 13
Team assembling in an office setting to emphasize collaboration importance

The importance of Face to Face Engagement in Remote Staffing

According to a study done by Gallup in 1995, only 9% of the global workforce believed in working remotely. However, presently, that statistics increased four times its rate to a whopping 37%. Employees and employers alike are starting to see the benefits of working remotely and are enjoying it fully.

However, remote staffing isn’t just a trend, it is slowly becoming a marketable HR benefit used by visionaries to recognize the benefits of remote work for both organizations and their workers. While remote working does not require a face to face engagement between clients and employees, meeting remote workers once in a while, face-to-face, is proven to help build a stronger working relationship among team players in an organization.

Now, the big questions are, can teams of remote staff create and sustain the outcomes-based drive to escalate company success?  Is it really important for clients to extend an effort and meet their remote staff face to face?

Investing in a face to face meeting with a remote team once or twice a year will do the business well. Not only is this important to build a harmonious working relationship among the team, but this will also make a company’s remote staff feel like they’re valued, and are an important part of the business structure and success, which will eventually translate to a more productive team of remote workers. These kinds of face-to-face meetings are important in ensuring employee engagement.

The word “engagement” is very subjective and almost too impossible to be defined. It means more than having these remote workers finish tasks assigned, or having them speak up their opinions. Engagement means more than the team interacting with each other. What is sure though is that engagement doesn’t just happen like magic. It needs extra effort from both the business owner and his or her employees’ end. It requires management. It requires attention.

Meeting remote staff face-to-face help them develop their strengths, and encourage them to be of help to their other team members. It develops skilled employees who can sustain a strong team that is aligned to the company goals. Also, meeting remote employees face-to-face helps businesses assess their overall health. During sessions like these, a team is put together to identify the top focus areas and get everyone involved on mini-task forces to work on resolving business issues and then provide an update to resolve the issues.

Nowadays, there is this term called “workcation”. It is a face-to-face meeting with the remote staff wherein even when everyone is “working”, everyone is also very relaxed and is in a vacation-like environment.

We are proud to announce our partnership with Running Remote the first of its kind conference which focuses exclusively on making remote working effective.

Take your team to the beautiful paradise island of Bali in Indonesia to learn from industry experts who have built international remote working teams.

If you’re running a remote team or serious about starting one, this is the conference for you. The Running Remote Conference, 23-24 June 2018 is carefully curated to teach you next-level, actionable strategies, and tactics you can utilize the very next day to manage & grow your remote team. Learn to build & scale your remote team with leaders from Buffer, Doist, FlexJobs, Transferwise, GitHub, GitLab, Dribbble, Time Doctor, Coworkation, and many others. This is the world’s largest conference laser-focused on Remote Work. Over 250 attendees from all over the world will fly into an amazing setting of tropical Bali – an island in Indonesia.

They will cover every facet of building a remote team to help develop the future of work. Leading remote work tech companies, online collaboration thought leaders, and outsourcing business owners under one roof.

The Running Remote Conference is taking place 25 minutes southwest of Ubud, a town in the central part of Bali. Ubud is approx. 1.5 hours away from the airport and is 600m above sea level, making the temperatures cooler here than in other parts of the island. Discover the rainforest and authentic Balinese culture in Ubud, 40 mins away from the coast.

Their fascinating bamboo venue called Green School Bali boasts a capacity of up to 500 attendees and is spread over 7 hectares in beautiful rural countryside.

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