Jan 27
man and woman wearing white Remote Staff shirts

Finding the Right Fit with Remote Staff

Remote Staff completed its re-branding efforts in October 2021, and its market position has never been clearly expressed. From its new verbal expression to its refreshing visual system, the Remote Staff brand screams, “We are all about finding the right people for the right roles.”

Background of the Re-branding

rebranding word cloud with related tags

Since Remote Staff was founded in 2007, we stayed true to our promise of providing our clients with highly skilled and affordable remote Filipino talent. When COVID-19 hit, more business owners realised the need for highly skilled remote workers, increasing the demand for a remote workforce in a matter of months. We thought that providing clients with affordable English-speaking and highly skilled remote talent during the crisis was more than enough, but we could not have been more wrong.   

Yes, it has never been easier to hire a remote worker, but it has also never been harder to find the right person for a remote job. Remote Staff had to step up its game. It’s either we choose to stay as we are or evolve, and we chose to evolve. Hence, the company re-branding process commenced in April 2021. 

With its completion, a new Remote Staff company emerged. We have evolved into more than just a full-service BPO that provides affordable labour, shifting our focus from providing cost-effective hires to quality ones. In addition, we have become the missing piece that helps both highly skilled and committed Filipinos  find decent remote jobs and struggling business owners get back on their feet and grow their businesses by finding them the right people–those they cannot live without. 

 And now, we are excited to present to you some new elements of the Remote Staff brand. 

Remote Staff Logo

The new company logo represents Remote Staff’s ultimate vision of connecting international employers with remote professionals from the Philippines.

The vibrant green colour highlights Remote Staff’s uniqueness in the market. No other BPO company uses this colour for its logo. As for the choice of font style, the Boston Angel font makes for a modern and innovative feel.

Value Propositions

Aside from the logo, Remote Staff’s brand-new visual system consists of three shapes. These shapes represent the company’s value propositions: focus, connect, and optimise.

focus logo



FOCUS: We help you to step away from working in the business to working on it – so you can focus on the stuff that matters.



four connecting circles



CONNECT: We source the right people for the right roles, connecting you with staff you can’t live without.



optimise logo



OPTIMISE: We support you managing your team so that you can continue to grow.

Company Values 

The new Remote Staff brand is in line with the company’s values. These values have been revised to capture what Remote Staff stands for:

Make every day count.

man wearing a cap and woman wearing a white shirtin front of their laptop

We show up and do our best every day to deliver on our promise. We’re always looking for new ways to continually improve and learn, making the most of every opportunity we have. 

Strive for excellence, every time.

woman wearing a white shirt and carrying a bag and holding her phone in front of a laptop and five green stars

Our clients’ success is our success, so we work hard to help them achieve their goals. We work to a high standard, delivering quality talent and work for our clients.

Get the balance right.

man wearing drinking from a tumbler

We are here to equally serve the best interests of our clients and our staff. Working from home gives us the ability to get a good balance of work and life, making us better at what we do and generally better humans.

Together is better.

men and women in the background and a woman doing the ok hand sign

We may work remotely, but we are part of a big team that works together to support our clients and each other. When you engage Remote Staff, you’re getting more than a team member. You’re getting the support network that’s behind them, too.

Despite all the changes we made, we are still the Remote Staff that is committed to helping and supporting you. These improvements are the result of us finally realising our true worth, and now, we want to help you realise yours.

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