Jan 04
Man in a blue suit holding a magnifying glass, trying to see clear things more closely

Seven Insights Into What Work Will Look Like in 2022

Given how work as we know it has changed so drastically in the past two years, what will it look like this 2022?

One thing is certain. Remote work isn’t going away, no matter how stubbornly some companies continue to resist. As technology becomes more and more advanced, more and more people will be able to work from home or create their own online business. 

It’s also possible that working fewer hours per week will become the norm. (Let’s keep our fingers crossed for this one.)

Let’s take a look.

Technology Will Change the Corporate Landscape Even Further


With so many new technologies developing every day, companies have a great opportunity to optimise their operations further. Or perhaps even find a new niche in the process.

However, not everyone is tech-savvy, and whatever software you choose for your business has to work across all devices and platforms. Still, it’s highly likely that more and more processes will be automated this coming year.

Key Talent Will Help Shape the Workplaces of the Future


Workers will have a louder voice in the workplace in the coming years. To survive and to scale sustainably, organisations need to both attract and retain top talent. One increasingly clear way to do this is by offering more flexible working schedules

Thus, we’re likely to see more companies offering the option to work remotely or at the very least, have a hybrid working arrangement in place. With the rise of outsourcing talent from other countries, asynchronous work schedules could also become increasingly more common.

And this is just the beginning. Even as of this writing, the most in-demand remote talents get to dictate not just where they work, but how. For many of them, time trackers could thus be a thing of the not-so-distant past, among other things. 

Online Meetings Will Get Better and Better


Virtual meetings will be even more common in 2022 than they already are. And thanks to new technology, they’ll be a lot better too!

It will soon be possible for us to see each other in 3D, making it feel like everyone is in the same room. This will make it easier for people to collaborate and get work done.

Moreover, virtual meetings can be made shorter. Provided that those participating share the right information beforehand on various project management platforms, of course.

It Will Be Possible to Work Fewer Hours A Week

It Will Be Possible to Work Fewer Hours A Week

The long-outdated 8-hour work week is on its way out. With new technologies optimising and automating many processes, we might need less hours of focused work per day. (That’s if we don’t already.)

However, businesses and employees both need to learn how to optimise their workflows first. Companies also need to start measuring productivity solely according to results instead of the hours it took to achieve these. 

The Freelance Economy Will Continue to Boom


With more and more workers seeking alternative jobs with higher flexibility, the freelance economy is set to grow even more. Advancements in technology will also drive this upswing, along with the demand for a more inclusive workplace.

Additionally, businesses will start hiring more freelancers because it’s a cost-effective way to get things done. And thanks to online platforms and companies like Remote Staff *wink*wink,* connecting SME’s to the right remote talent will be easier than ever.

More Dynamic HR Services Will Promote Better Workforce Development


Real-time and dynamic HR data infrastructure layers will improve workforce development.

This approach will allow businesses to track employee engagement and satisfaction in real-time. Thus, it’ll be easier to identify and address issues before they become a problem.

Big data can also help businesses better understand what really drives employees – and what they need to be at their most productive.

There Will Be a Bigger Focus on Well-being


Wellness and well-being will become even bigger bywords in 2022. 

We’re not just talking about having yoga sessions at the office either, virtual or otherwise. This new focus will drive new measures such as flexible work policies, wellness programs, and perhaps even providing health insurance to a remote work force

With less and less employees willing to sacrifice their health (and other things besides) for their careers, many companies will be forced to respond accordingly.

Still, the future isn’t set in stone. But a bit of insight always helps when deciding on what directions to take moving forward. 

So, if you’ve finally ready to build your dream remote team, Remote Staff has got your back. We’ve been assisting AU SMEs and entrepreneurs like you with finding, hiring, and onboarding skilled remote workers from the Philippines since 2007. 

Thus, no matter what 2022 might bring, you won’t have to figure it out alone.

Call us today or schedule a call back and let’s get started.

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Serena has been working remotely and writing content for the better part of the last decade. To date, she's written for and Mabuhay Magazine, among others, and has churned out more than a thousand articles on everything from The Basics of Stock Market Investing to How to Make Milk Tea-Flavored Taho at home. Hermits, aspiring hermits, and non-hermits with interesting project propositions may email her at

About The Author

Serena has been working remotely and writing content for the better part of the last decade. To date, she's written for and Mabuhay Magazine, among others, and has churned out more than a thousand articles on everything from The Basics of Stock Market Investing to How to Make Milk Tea-Flavored Taho at home. Hermits, aspiring hermits, and non-hermits with interesting project propositions may email her at

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