Sep 06

Why You Shouldn’t Write Off Senior Citizens When Building a Remote Team

We tend to prioritize younger workers for remote teams since we see them as more tech-savvy, overlooking the valuable contributions of seniors.

While millennials and Gen Z now make up a huge percentage of the modern workforce, seniors can bring in valuable experience, a strong work ethic, and hard-won perspectives that can greatly enhance your team’s performance.

For example, hiring a senior citizen virtual assistant can potentially bring in excellent organizational skills and years of experience in managing tasks effectively.

If you need more reasons as to why including senior citizens in your remote team can truly be a game-changer, and here are some:


Eagerness to Learn and Adapt

Contrary to popular belief, many seniors are eager to learn and adapt to new technologies. Their ability to embrace change means they can master remote tools with the right support. 

After all, the baby boomer generation has a history of adapting to significant career changes, such as transitioning from typewriters to computers, adapting to the rise of the internet, and mastering new software and tools throughout their professional lives.


Extensive Work Experience

Senior citizens have accumulated years of experience that can provide valuable insights, effective problem-solving, and strong decision-making skills.

Their deep understanding of industry practices and historical trends can guide your team through complex challenges and enhance overall performance.


Strong-Work-Ethic, virtual assistant

Strong Work Ethic

Senior citizens often bring a disciplined approach to their work, developed over years of experience. 

Their dedication, reliability, and commitment to excellence mean they are likely to consistently meet deadlines, produce high-quality work, and maintain a high level of professionalism.

This strong work ethic not only contributes to the success of projects but also sets a positive example for the entire team.


Different Perspective

Including senior citizens in your remote team adds generational diversity, leading to a broader range of ideas and solutions. 

Their unique experiences offer fresh insights that can enhance and balance the ideas of younger team members. 

For example, a senior citizen virtual assistant with decades of experience might streamline workflows and set up efficient organizational systems in ways you never would have thought of otherwise.

Moreover, if your business caters to an older demographic, senior team members can provide valuable customer insights to better understand and meet their needs. 

Overall, this diversity boosts creativity, innovation, and decision-making within your team.


Commitment-and-Loyalty, virtual assistant

Commitment and Loyalty

Ever heard of people working for 20-30 years at a company? They’re likely senior citizens now due to their remarkable commitment and loyalty throughout their careers. 

Having navigated various phases of their professional lives, seniors typically exhibit strong responsibility and dedication.

At retirement age, many seniors seek online jobs because working from home offers a flexible schedule that accommodates health needs and personal commitments. 

In return, companies that tap into this experienced workforce can benefit from their loyalty, which often leads to lower turnover rates and a deeper investment in the success of the team and projects.

However, where can you find the best remote talent for your business – regardless of their generation?

From a virtual assistant to IT professionals, Remote Staff can connect you with experienced remote workers who fit your needs. 

Call us or schedule a callback to find yours today!

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Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well. If you have any content requests and suggestions, feel free to email him at

About The Author

Leandro is a content creator and digital nomad who started his career as a remote working content writer. He is an advocate of location independent sources of income. And he believes that everyone has the ability to be one as well. If you have any content requests and suggestions, feel free to email him at

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