Mar 01

WFH Without a Routine Is Pure Chaos: Here Are Four Ways to Prevent It

Remote work comes with a lot of freedom. You can do it from pretty much anywhere with an internet connection and so long as you finish your tasks on time, it doesn’t even matter what time you start or end. 

Ironically, this can also be problematic.

Many professionals often find that they could actually use a little more structure, especially when it comes to setting up boundaries between work and home. After all, WFH comes with a lot more distractions that can easily derail us from the task/s at hand. 

Hence, it’s important to have a routine. But unlike in a traditional workplace, there’s no one to impose it upon you. So, you’ll have to come up with your own – preferably one you can stick to equally on days when there might be too much work and on days where there’s hardly any. 

That being said, here are four ways to make remote work work for you. 

Set a Time for Clock In 

Set a Time for Clock In

If you’re working a full-time job or running a business, it’s pretty common to wake up to a full inbox. The instinct would be to run through this and then start working immediately. However, this can be counterproductive in the long run.

Rather than jumping straight into work, it’s highly recommended to clear your mind first. Have a coffee, go for a run, or eat breakfast with your family first. You can even have a virtual commute

Whichever works for you, keep it short and simple. Logging in and out at consistent times also helps reinforce boundaries, so it would be best to aim for such.

Have a Dedicated Work Space 


We’ve said this before and we’ll say it again: set up a home office. Failing that, just allocate a space that’s entirely for work. 

Your environment can have a tremendous impact on your mindset. If you work in your bedroom (or worse, in bed), you’re more likely to doze off. (Alternatively, you could end up associating the space with work and have trouble getting zzz’s when you need to.) 

Hence, if you want to manage your teams better and be as productive as possible, do it from a designated working space. Even a basic set-up will do since you can just spruce it up later. 

Make Time for Some Rest and Relaxation


All work and no play will burn you out one day. Seriously. Now that you’re starting to build a routine, don’t skimp on another essential: rest. 

And if you aren’t convinced that it’s necessary, just remember that you won’t be as productive when you burn the candle at both ends. Balance is key.

Rest, just like work, must also be intentional. Put it on your calendar if you must.

Exercise Discipline and Follow Through 

Exercise Discipline and Follow Through

Let’s admit it, it’s easy to list down tasks. Accomplishing them every single day is a different story. Thus, building habits you can stick to is crucial to a productive and meaningful WFH set-up. 

An entrepreneur like you probably already has the discipline necessary to do whatever it takes to get your business off the ground. However, working from home presents a lot of distractions that can take a while to get used to. 

There is no magic bullet for creating a successful routine. You just have to keep doing what works over and over. Wake up at the same time. Stretch or job before starting the day. Work only in your designated workspace. 

And when the need arises, rest.


There is one more factor in this equation: delegating. As your business grows, you’ll no longer be able to keep doing everything yourself, no matter how efficient and effective your routine might be. 

Remote Staff has been providing Australian entrepreneurs like you with skilled remote workers from the Philippines for the last 15 years and counting. So as you keep building your routine, our teams can help you build a stronger business. 

Call us today or schedule a call back and let’s start working. 


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Serena has been working remotely and writing content for the better part of the last decade. To date, she's written for and Mabuhay Magazine, among others, and has churned out more than a thousand articles on everything from The Basics of Stock Market Investing to How to Make Milk Tea-Flavored Taho at home. Hermits, aspiring hermits, and non-hermits with interesting project propositions may email her at

About The Author

Serena has been working remotely and writing content for the better part of the last decade. To date, she's written for and Mabuhay Magazine, among others, and has churned out more than a thousand articles on everything from The Basics of Stock Market Investing to How to Make Milk Tea-Flavored Taho at home. Hermits, aspiring hermits, and non-hermits with interesting project propositions may email her at

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